What if your employees became actors in your CSR policy?

With Teamstarter, make the ideas of your employees the pillar of your CSR policy!

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They use our solution

axys consultants
sopra steria

Le défi des entreprises pour favoriser une culture de l'efficacité

You already have a CSR policy

How to engage your employees in your CSR policy?

You don't have a CSR policy

How to create a CSR policy at the initiative of your employees?

Allow your employees to take CSR initiatives

Request a demo

The obstacle course for employees for launch CSR initiatives

They want to get involved but they don't know how

They don't always have access to internal decision makers to launch their initiative

They don't have the budget to make their idea a reality

They do not have the skills in project management in order to be able to set up the project

Once the projects are 100% funded, the ideas come to life!

Ready to get your project off the ground with us?

Request a demo

Measurable benefits from The 1st initiative

A controlled CSR budget

Concrete projects, embodied internally, at the service of the company's CSR pillars

A responsible and committed collective around causes and a CSR policy that speak to them

Ultimately, a strengthened CSR culture and a stronger employer brand

An accompaniment personalized

Whether you are a CSR or HR manager, our team of experts supports you and your employees in implementing our solution within your organization:

A diagnosis to get started

Support in animation

Monitoring of key indicators and continuous alignment with your strategic plan

Teamstarter in 3 key figures

+ 35,000

Committed collaborators


Collaborators with projects

+ 6 200

Concretized projects

They brought their ideas to life with Teamstarter

Imprimante 3D

Mettre en place une imprimante 3D dans l'atelier de maintenance de l'usine de Tours pour simplifier nos process et aider à notre montée en compétences.
1625 €

Tuto outils internes

Réalisons des tutoriels vidéos pour expliquer simplement à nos clients le fonctionnement de nos outils et ainsi optimiser nos relations.
Valérie et 1 autre

Initiation au sketchnoting

Réalisons des prises de note visuelles grâce au sketchnoting et facilitons la réalisation de nos comptes rendus de réunions !