Attracting, retaining and developing talent skills is a real challenge for businesses. To do this, the establishment of a talent management strategy is almost indispensable. Here you will discover the definition of this concept, its strategic challenges and the steps to implement it effectively within your organization.
What is talent management?
Definition of talent
Before defining the concept of “talent management”, you need to know what is meant by “talent”.
This word is generally used in business to refer to a person who owns both specific knowledge and skills in a domain, and who has a some potential to evolve within the company. Talent is usually considered to be valuable assets for a business because it contributes to its growth and success.
The objective of talent management
A talent management strategy therefore aims to put in place a whole set of practices to: identify, develop and retain top talent of a company. The objective in doing this is to maximize their performance and their contribution to the success of the organization. We also talk about talent management.
Real strategic challenges
Various issues revolve around talent management.
The attraction of talent
The labour market is under pressure. To attract the best talent, companies must therefore make every effort to attract the most competent candidates.
For this, it is important to have a strong corporate culture. La valorization of your employer brand is also essential to make a difference compared to other organizations that recruit the same type of profiles as you. Co-optation programs can also be very effective.
The working conditions that you offer to your employees are also important. So focus on well-being and QWL so that your future recruits want to come and work for you.
Employee loyalty
Talent retention is an issue that many businesses have to face. Indeed, the departure of an employee is very expensive : recruitment, replacement training, team reorganization, etc. Having a stable team also makes it easier to assimilate your corporate culture. It is also favorable for the commitment of your teams.
To have a low turnover rate, it is important to offer good working conditions to your employees, but also to develop their skills. Internal mobility opportunities and support can greatly influence an employee's choice to stay or to work in another company.
Identify internal talent
The recruitment phase is not the only phase during which you can identify competent people with potential. Many employees who work for you are certainly also working for you.
The role of managers is essential for this: they must be able to detect these profiles as quickly as possible. Their skills can then be developed as a matter of priority and discussions concerning their vision and career ambitions must be held without delay.
The steps of the process
Setting up a talent management policy can be complex, as many parameters have to be taken into account. Here are a few steps you can start with.
Defining business needs
As with many strategic actions, it's important to start by clearly defining what your organization needs. In particular, ask yourself about:
- Your current situation. Take stock of all the strengths and weaknesses of your resources, in order to more easily identify which ones you should prioritize in the future.
- Define as precisely as possible the skills you lack the most in your workforce. This makes it possible to search for them in priority.
- The ones you'll need in the years to come. If you have a vision of the evolution of your organization for the future, it is essential toanticipating. If the sector in which you are located is forced to move, the fact that you have developed certain skills before your competitors can be very favorable to you.
The implementation of detection techniques
Talent management is not only about recruiting people who have missing skills in your teams. It is indeed very likely that some employees in your company have abilities that they have little or no opportunity to develop on a daily basis. It is therefore important to detect them in order to be able to create internal mobility.
To do this, a regular assessment of the skills of employees can be put in place. You also need to establish a dialogue around career ambitions in order to assess everyone's preferences.
Internal talent development
Once you have identified talent, you must develop their skills as much as possible in the company.
La training is one of the levers we think of most often, but it is not the only one. The Social learning, individual coaching, or even internal mentoring programs are other talent management techniques that you can develop.
Attracting and retaining talent
Finally, the fact ofattract and retain your talents is certainly the biggest challenge in talent management. These aspects have already been mentioned, but they are really important elements to consider in order to properly implement your strategy.
Talent management is a strategy that is very interesting to implement over the long term in your company. By identifying talent at the same time externally and internally, you develop the skills that are essential for the performance of your business. La talent management must be considered over the long term in order to maximize its beneficial effects.