HR barometer: a tool to measure employee satisfaction

The HR barometer is the tool that will help you calculate the satisfaction of your employees.

Serena Micaelli


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La employee satisfaction is essential if you want them to be motivated and efficient on a daily basis. But do you know how to measure it? There is no one-size-fits-all method for doing this, but some indicators are still important to measure on a regular basis. Here we are going to reveal our HR barometer to measure employee satisfaction. You will see that it is both simple to understand and to set up. Above all, it can help you better understand the expectations of your employees.

What is an HR barometer?

First, let's look at what an HR barometer is.

It is a questionnaire, most often electronic, transmitted anonymously and confidentially to some or all of the employees of a company. It makes it possible to measure the perception of an aspect of the life of the organization. HR barometers are generally used to assess the social climate, motivation or satisfaction of employees.

The value of an HR barometer to measure employee satisfaction

Measuring employee satisfaction using an HR barometer is particularly interesting, as it is an element that has a lot of impact on the life of the company.

The impacts of high satisfaction

We note, within companies, that employee satisfaction has a lot of positive impacts:

  • Elle increases employee performance in their mission. This therefore contributes to higher overall business productivity.
  • Having a majority of employees satisfied with their work increases both Retention and attractiveness of the company. Indeed, employees are the best possible ambassadors for an organization. If they talk positively about it around them, they enhance your employer brand.
  • THEpositive image can also be easily conveyed within the entire ecosystem. Prospect, customers, partners, all can be affected.

The importance of measuring it

While employee satisfaction has a lot of positive impacts on organizations, it is important to establish an accurate measure of it.

First of all, it allowsget encrypted data, obtained without taking into account the perception that HR or managers have of employee satisfaction. This can easily be biased, so it is essential to establish an HR barometer.

The other benefit is that it gives the possibility to compare indicators over time. Thus, you can see whether or not the implementation of a measure had an influence on employee satisfaction.

The new factors of employee satisfaction

Workers' expectations have changed a lot in recent years. While salary was one of the most important elements, new motivating factors are now taken into account by company employees.

Among the most cited are:

  • The well-being and quality of life at work (QVT). It is one of the most important motivational levers. It applies to both working conditions material and the atmosphere within the company. Management also plays a key role.
  • La Quest for meaning. More and more often, workers want to carry out missions that are meaningful to them. Lack of meaning is a determining factor in demotivation.
  • La reconnaissance. Receiving encouragement allows employees to feel valued, which is very satisfying.
  • THEautonomy. Trusting employees and letting them organize themselves in the most optimal way for them increases their motivation and satisfaction. It also favors Taking the initiative, very useful for the creativity of your business.
  • THEevolution. Offering prospects for a change of position or career development can be very motivating. It limits boredom.

You now know the most important satisfaction factors for employees. Now let's see how to measure them.

Measuring satisfaction with a simple tool

To measure employee satisfaction, you can use two types of indicators. The former can be calculated based on objective data. The second relate to the feelings of employees.

Indicators symptoms

Initially, you can calculate symptom indicators. This is data that reflects team satisfaction.

  • The Turnover rate. It is calculated using the following formula:
  • The absenteeism rate. It is obtained with the formula:

(Number of hours of absence over the period/Number of hours of theoretical work over the period) x 100.

  • The Number of co-optations. This is an interesting indicator because it allows you to observe the number of people who have been recruited through word-of-mouth. The more satisfied employees are with their company, the more they speak positively about it around them.

These three indicators are interesting to measure regularly, because their evolution makes it possible to assess a Increase or decrease in satisfaction on the part of your employees. However, by themselves, they do not make it possible to understand the reasons for these developments. To get more accurate feedback, you need to take measures related to the feelings of employees.

Indicators specific to employee feelings

In order to measure the level of employee satisfaction even more specifically, we suggest that you evaluate two indicators: the e-NPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) and ESI (Employee Satisfaction Index).

The e-NPS

To calculate your company's e-NPS, you need to ask employees to answer the question “Would you recommend that those around you work for this company?” ”, and to give a score on a scale of 0 to 10. You can then classify collaborators into three groups: promoters who gave a score between 9 and 10, neutrals between 7 and 8, and finally detractors between 0 and 6.

With the formula “% of promoting employees -% of detracting employees”, you get your e-NPS.

The Employee Satisfaction Index

Unlike e-NPS, the ESI is based on several questions:

  • Related questions at the workplace, such as “How happy are you with your current workplace?” or “How well does your current workplace meet your expectations?” ”.
  • Related questions To management, such as “Do you feel valued for your skills”, “Do you think management is invested in the success of the team”, or “Do you feel that work is distributed fairly within your team?” ”.
  • Questions relating to corporate culture, such as “Do you feel close to your colleagues? or “How open are we to change as an organization?” ”.

These anonymous questionnaires and measurements are at renew regularly, for example every 6 months. Avoid submitting them too often, you risk boring your employees. However, collecting this type of data at constant intervals makes it possible to observe their evolution over time: it is very important for organizations.

HR barometer: the success factors

For the establishment of an HR barometer to be a success within your company, a few conditions are necessary.

First of all, you have to To be transparent with your teams regarding your approach. Explain the reasons and benefits of this type of questionnaire.

THEanonymity must be respected if you want employee feedback to be valuable. Their answers should only be used in a statistical framework. Not protecting the confidentiality of the questionnaire would call into question all the usefulness of the HR barometer.

Finally, even if it is not mandatory, it is very interesting to communicate the results obtained to all employees. This allows them too to observe their evolution.

Employee satisfaction is an element that has a great influence on performance of your business. It is therefore important to measure it regularly. Setting up an HR barometer allows you to do this in a simple way. Do not hesitate to repeat the operation once or twice a year in order to be able to measure the evolution of the satisfaction of your employees over time.


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